The Importance of Intent and the Alignment with Societal Values

Trust thought for the day - what a gift. The Superleague!

Using our 7 Signals of Trustworthiness - a perfect example of the importance of Intent and the alignment with societal values.

If your intent is focused only on the making of as much money as possible, at the expense of important societal values and entirely at odds with what matters to your customers, you will not be trusted. Football has been balancing on a very precarious tightrope on this one for a while, but has now fallen off.

Was it unexpected? Could it have been foreseen? Is this an example of trust falling off a cliff from nowhere? Nah. You only had to think about more things than £€$, and surely this would be blindingly obvious.

Entertaining for the rest of us tho!

Read the full article here:


Thresholds of Honesty


When is Too Much Trust a Matter of Too Little Responsibility?