Thresholds of Honesty


Trust thought for the day is doubling up as a promo for my new website! It's about thresholds of honesty.

My wonderful designers Richard Dickinson and Aine Cassidy from Effusion LLP and many pals have advised me its time to make it more focused on me, not just the issues. (Totally excruciating and requiring coaching to even start - thanks Alex Mecklenburg!)

No suitable pics, so the wonderfully talented Alice Dunhill takes this fab pic of me - a socially distanced shoot, in my kitchen during lockdown !!!! A fake pic made to look like I am on stage on some big speaking gig (getting paid for these instead of endless freebies, is part of the rationale!)

Given the recent media hype about micro-managing one's online image is this just another example of dishonest fakery or totally normal and entirely expected self-promotion, essential if I am to be seen as professional? (I did reluctantly say no to the airbrush to get rid of some of my many wrinkles, so it wouldn't be too much of a shock if you met me!)

Does this make me look more trustworthy if someone wants to hire me? Does it cause distrust when people find out it's a bit faked? Does anyone give a stuff in the slightest? Probably not!

If interested check me out on


Does Society Place Too Much Trust in Machines?


The Importance of Intent and the Alignment with Societal Values