When is Too Much Trust a Matter of Too Little Responsibility?


Trust thought for the day - When is too much trust a matter of too little responsibility?

Another Tesla crash and driver and passenger killed because the driver trusted his Tesla to do the driving when it wasn't capable. Too much badly placed trust.

Yet Tesla avoids liability as despite puffing up the soon to be capacity of the car to be fully automated, they have told drivers it is not a fully automated system yet, so the fault is theirs if they are not totally vigilant at all times. Or the fault is the safety driver of the Waymo car which killed a pedestrian wheeling her cycle, because she was supposed to be fully alert all the times in charge of her fully automated car.

Neither manufacturer really acknowledging the way people will obviously behave in a real world situations such as this - as Roger Miles so often tells us What Actually Happens is ignored when it becomes financially inconvenient. Totally obviously going to happen.

And where is the regulator?



The Importance of Intent and the Alignment with Societal Values


Different Perspectives of Trust