Respectful Language as a Driver of Trust and Distrust


Trust thought for today is about respectful language as a driver of trust/distrust - here in Synthetic Biology.

Great session at the iGem Festival - an event opening this year's student competition to solve real world problems using synthetic biology (creating organisms from scratch that don't exist in nature applying engineering mindset & software techniques. Yes. Gulp.)

Reprising my concern about the implications of increasing beliefs that humans & nature are simply machines to be tinkered with & denoting a precision that is too simplistic & not the reality. iGem stands for 'genetically engineered machines', the language is of bio bricks, biological parts, devices, terminology of cut and paste, re-writing. Technical, distanced language that detaches the work from the social, ethical & environmental implications.

But what I like about iGem is that unlike the rest of the synbio world, (& most other tech dev systems) the social purpose, values & ethics are right there up front & centre. They are sharing learning & co-creating an ethical system themselves in the absence of any other real guidance. Good on them.

Thanks Piers Millett Tessa Alexanian, Kevin Chen Jonny Hazell - mine was presentation 16 in the horizontal scroll - very cool interface.


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