The ‘Inclusion’ Signal of Trustworthiness


Trust thought for today - the 'inclusion' signal of trustworthiness is about the involvement of external stakeholders in shaping policy and organisational decision-making, including citizens.

Undertaking 'dialogue' is only perhaps 50% of the job. The other 50% involves taking seriously, responding to these contributions and embedding this thinking into your approach. The much harder bit.

This really excellent work from the Ada Lovelace with their Citizen Council on Biometrics (the many uses of facial recognition and digital fingerprinting) just shows what quality thinking you get from citizens. So thoughtful, useful and enlightening, especially when the dialogue is done well as it has been here.

Again trustworthy governance is the most important thing. Findings propose:

1. Developing more comprehensive legislation and regulation
for biometric technologies.
2. Establishing an independent, authoritative body to provide
robust oversight.
3. Ensuring minimum standards for the design and deployment
of biometric technologies.

Congrats Carly Kind, Reema Patel, Aidan Peppin and colleagues. Looking forward to seeing how the government responds. Hope you can keep us posted?

Read the full article here:


Respectful Language as a Driver of Trust and Distrust


How Much do we Trust Ordinary Citizens to Shape Policy?