Should there be an Extinction Rebellion for AI?

Trust thought for today - is about what works in stimulating trustworthiness!

I got to wondering with a few others recently do we need an Extinction Rebellion for AI in the UK (and potential elsewhere)? There are so many groups doing such great work, but wondering if there may be a role for more direct action approaches and the empowerment of citizens?

Here is a short article articulating on Medium why this might be a good idea and posing the idea of a multi-stakeholder scoping study to consider gaps and options.

Thanks already to Arnold Schrijver, Liz Bohm, Steven Tiell, Mathew Mytkafor great feedback on the concept and some fantastic ideas to contribute to such a study. Thanks to Cennydd Bowles, Sal Kimmich, CSM, Jonathan Garner, Yalın Solmaz, Jeantine Mankelow, Vanessa Gabriel-Robinson, Lio Benz, @Jessica Woods for a fun chat which stimulated this thinking. Some of you not there for this part of the conversation - love your views!

Is it an idea worth investigating do you think - any dm or open views most welcome? Kay Firth-Butterfield, David Ryan Polgar, Merve Hickok, Rachel Coldicutt, Joanna Bryson, Virginia Dignum, Julie Dawson, Ken Banks, Sebastien A. Krier, Murat Durmus, Indy Johar, Darrin Charlesworth, Louise J Pakseresht, Sam Cannicott, Sam Brown, Dr Raj Thamotheram, Laurent Bontoux Jon Alexander and anyone else!?


The Trust First Principle and the Universal Basic Income


Lack of accountability and powerlessness don’t do much for trust either