‘Trust First’ concept in practice


Trust thought for the day - is an interesting aspect of the 'trust first' idea. This aspect of trust research illustrates that treating people as if they are trustworthy, (even if you have no idea if they are) instead of as if they are incapable, incompetent and needing your superior wisdom to help them do things, is a better approach. Simply being trusted is powerful.

This article in the FT (sorry paywall) says that new female philanthropists (like MacKenzie Scott Bezos's wife, and Priscilla Chan, Zuckerberg's) are practicing a 'trust-based model'. Which basically means more no strings attached giving and a partnership approach - blending philanthropy with impact investing - trusting people to spend the money wisely instead of a more transactional 'top-down business knows best thinking.'

I particularly love this: "Women give for different reasons. It's not necessary to have their name on the building....They want to be engaged and feel the impact of their giving". (There are often downsides to the 'engaged' approach which could end up being more intrusive & interfering than other models, but hey, too early to tell!)

Dr Raj Thamotheram

Read the full article here: https://www.ft.com/content/e8cc55d2-6708-41a2-81ed-aaa156c1f5d4


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