Deep Fakes and their Effect on Trust


Trust thought for today - is about what deep fakes will do for trust and the implications our inability to trust what we see in society more generally.

This is not me with answers. This is me just with questions. Thanks Laurent Bontoux for pushing this up my agenda on all things trust.

The new EU regs tries to address this with unacceptable and high risk areas focusing on manipulation, but these are realistically aimed at the big tech companies. Deep fakes surely are done by people who don't give a stuff about EU regs, are untraceable and are untroubled by being taken down by YouTube, Facebook or TikTok in the short time it takes to go viral and wreak the havoc they plan.

Brookings Institute report focuses on political deep fakes

The article below looks at wider implications. Will ponder.

Pls tag me with any other interesting articles on wider implications on trust particuarly beyond the political.

Read the full article here:


‘Trust First’ concept in practice


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