Trust First

Trust thought for today - the impact of Trust First and Distrust First approaches to issues.

I have been pondering the plight of poor Astra-Zeneca. Notable in the spiral of distrust they find themselves in is the questionable intent of those politicians and even some regulators who appear to have jumped to conclusions, or inflamed legitimate concerns based on assumptions of their own. Of course I can see the importance of the need to take visible action to allay public concerns about safety, but a pause to get the facts straight before opening one's mouth would have helped us all I fear.

Interesting to reflect on what actions look appropriate when you already distrust an organisation/system/country, as oppose to when you start with trust - or in the absence of enough knowledge to trust, you decide the useful thing is to act as if you do trust them as a starting point. Below some useful things that happen.

Good FT article on this just seen "AstraZeneca and the lessons of vaccine hesitancy - trust must be restored in the only jab offered at cost".


How Trusting (or Distrusting) Colours your Subsequent Interpretations


Aspects of Earning Trust