The Importance of Citizen’s Overall Trust in Governance
Trust thought for today - another reflection on how ESSENTIAL it is for citizens overall trust in parliament, civic institutions, justice system and national pride that the heinous miscarriage of justice that is the Post Office Horizon scandal and wrongful prosecution of hundreds of innocent postmasters and mistresses is addressed openly and comprehensively and those culpable held accountable.
It looks like there will be an open and thorough investigation, but as Ian Ross says in another post criminal conduct needs criminal prosecution. Let's hope this is not just theoretical justice.
It is not trivial for our society if, as happened with the financial scandal, business leaders yet again get away with 'murder' and governance is seen to be toothless and meaning one thing for 'the little people' and another to elites.
Follow Nick Wallis if you need to know how things progress.
Read the full article here: