How to tell a bullsh*tter from an expert

Trust thought for today - How to tell a bullsh*tter from an expert?!

From a professor of Linguistics. Ask yourself:

- How likely is it that this person is an expert?
- How does this person communicate in general?
- Does the person go into depth?
- Is anybody actually certain about the topic?
- Can they provide information flexibly?

But this also has relevance to a previous discussion about the culture of companies and politics in which everyone is expected to have an answer or an opinion, on everything, instantly. This is a problem. So if you get put into that situation, just say 'I am sorry this is not my area' or 'I am not an expert on this, but from my own area of work I have these observations.' (This is from me, not the Prof!)

As I am an expert on pretty much nothing, I get put into this situation all the time. I am learning not to bluster, but just to explain what I know or think and why it may or may not be relevant. Very hard when put on the spot.


Trust as expectations fulfilled


Being a trustworthy leader