Taking trust seriously - a starting point for companies
Trust thought for today - Taking trust seriously, a starting point for companies.
The extent to which you are trusted, or distrusted, depends mostly on how you behave, but can also be complicated by the ‘weather’ of external factors — such as shifting context, values and preferences (See iceberg pic below). The 2022 Edelman Trust Barometer shows increasing and fast changing expectations of companies and greater scrutiny of how they uphold and express their values, which may have big implications for trust. (But open, inclusive, listening companies will find that easier than others)
And to make things more complicated, different people trust you for different reasons — trust after all is a lot about expectation fulfilled. Alot to think about if you want to take trust seriously.
Nothing you don't know, but love any further thoughts on what I could do next in this series - Alison Taylor, Barbara Brooks Kimmel, Kent Grayson, Stephen J. Scott, Dunstan Allison-Hope, Matt Beard, Paulo Finuras. This is the 6th of my 10 Articles for August all on Medium. The next one is about Measuring Trust.
Another thank you for help on designing the free online Introduction to Trust and Trustworthiness course, Mathew Mytka, Darrin Charlesworth, Mark Miller, Sam Brown and others. It's standing up well I think!