Kurzgesagt - Evidence of trustworthiness in action
Trust thought for today - is about evidence of trustworthiness.
I learned about Kurzgesagt from my son, (no I can't pronounce it either, even after listening and trying!). It is a wonderful German science communication organisation, which doesn't shy away from the really complex subjects, for kids and adults. They have produced 105 vids of around 10 minutes, have over 17.5 million subscribers with not far off 2billion views of their vids. They are fantastic.
One of their very best is 'Can YOU fix Climate Change' from Sept 2021 here.
They address trust specifically below. This video shows their rationale, sources, process and discusses the trade-offs they have to make.
If only everyone made the effort to be so open about the way they work, but not everyone is that talented at communication.
Check them out, they have a consultancy too. https://kurzgesagt.org/