Evidence of Trustworthiness in Data Stewardship

Trust thought for today - evidence of trustworthiness on Data Stewardship.

Check out this really good report from Reema Patel at Ada Lovelace Inst on "Participatory data stewardship: A framework for involving people in the use of data".


"A report proposing a ‘framework for participatory data stewardship’, which rejects practices of data collection, storage, sharing and use in ways that are opaque or seek to manipulate people, in favour of practices that empower people to help inform, shape and – in some instances – govern their own data."

One of the best things I have read for a while. Great case studies, observations about how language is used, readable, sensible, everything you need to know to get on with it now!

The pic below, plus a more in-depth table in the report are
"illustrative of the creative potential of participation, and the range of
approaches and tools at data stewards’ disposal in thinking about how
best to involve people in the use of data."

(Reema love the merging of Arnstein and IAP2, I dithered about doing that in my report and didn't. Thanks also for the nice illustration which I will be using and crediting just tomorrow in prep for a talk!)

I have a bit more on the Why of involving citizens in general in my mini report from the trust project 'Nothing about us without us - involving citizens in governance'.



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