Another new tech frontier - Brain Fingerprinting & justice???

Trust thought for today - back to trust in tech and governance, or lack of it.

Here's a new one on me: Brain Fingerprinting - like fingerprint evidence, like polygraph testing, like facial recognition for emotional cues - except using brain function to decide whether someone is guilty or not guilty. Already in use. As far as my knowledge goes, all these have been proven unreliable (even finger print analysis, reading Kahneman new book Noise) but relied on nevertheless to decide people's fate in law, to the detriment of many innocent people. As usual, lots of excitement about the tech, less about the ethics, none about the governance.

"Brain fingerprinting may seem similar to a polygraph (usually called a lie detector), but it differs in important ways. A polygraph measures physiologic responses such as heart rate, sweating, breathing, and other processes that are only indirectly related to brain function. Brain fingerprinting’s information comes directly from brain function. It and other related tests do not measure truthfulness, but seek to determine whether the subject has a particular memory."

"Some of the prospective ethical dilemmas raised by neuroscience are similar to those that concern many ethicists about genetics. One important question is: how do we minimize the harm to an individual caused by an incorrect test result? Professionals developing the technologies described in this article must take this issue far more seriously than they have so far."

Looking forward to speaking about this at the Human Brain Summit in October. Might use this as a case study. Anyone have anything about the history of successful and rubbish tech in this area, do let me know.


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