My thoughts on Edelman Trust Barometer 2022

Trust thought for today - thoughts on 2022 Edelman Trust Barometer

Top-line finding - the closer we are to people eg my employer, my CEO, the more we are likely to trust them. Trust in NGOs rises, media, business and government falls. Distrust is the default with 59% of people distrusting until they see evidence of trustworthiness.

Headline recommendations:

1. Business societal role here to stay.
2. Demonstrate tangible progress - show the system works
3. Move time horizons, solutions, long term thinking over short-term gains (government and business)
4. Every institution's job to provide trustworthy information clear, concise, fact-based.

But look at this chart below. Trust in democracies falls dramatically because of lack of perceived trustworthiness of and trust in governments and politicians. The Chinese have deep trust in their institutions, the US hardly at all. Look at the countries in the most trusted and least trusted! (Am assuming methodology can guarantee anonymity of submission)

Not sure that the full picture is about perceived untrustworthiness, but interesting and shocking nonetheless. Will give lots of fuel to demagogues to show that democracy doesn't work. Scary.

Nothing like enough info on details of governments and trust and actios for them for my liking, but business is Edelman's main customer, so that's probably why.


What does trustworthy regulation look like? Not this.


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