4 Important Lessons in Trust

Trust thought for today is about 4 things:

- Understanding the effects of trust and distrust
- 5 important things to know about trust
- The 7 signals of trustworthiness explained
- How trust is lost and can it be regained?

These are the lessons in the new free online micro-course and toolkit I've co-created with the fantastic Mathew Mytka from Greater Than Learning in Australia.

It aims to bring the trust thinking from the TIGTech work alive and help anyone understand the foundations of trust and think very practically about their trustworthiness and how they may earn or lose trust.

It will also equip you with 4 useful open-source tools to help you and your organisation reflect on your approach to being trustworthy:

The Trust Spectrum – a way of exploring the scope of emotions and actions which can be part of trust judgements.

The Trust Dynamic – for reflection on the contributing factors to a trust judgement and the impact of the starting point of those seeking to earn trust.

The 7 Signals of Trustworthiness - to help map your actions and reactions against those values and competencies which are important to trust.

The Trust Spider - a framework to help you explore, perhaps with your stakeholders, how you stack up in delivering on the 7 Signals of Trustworthiness and how you are providing evidence of that in your approach.

To take a look, just click on this link which will take you through a signup process:


You’ll be able to access the course after registration. Sorry about the hoop jumping, it’s needed for the course progress software, but privacy and ethical T&C's is a speciality of Mat's, as you will see.

This has been such an enjoyable collaboration with Mat who has given his time free to make the course available to all, (as have I). He has taught me such alot about what works and doesn't in online learning modules, but I am most excited because his long-term vision for Greater Than Learning as a global hub and vibrant online community sharing ethical insights and reflections about trustworthiness and tech makes it just the right home for this work.

Thanks so much to Kent Grayson, Darrin Charlesworth, Mark Miller and Diane Miller, Sam Brown & Nathan Kinch for their support, help, advice and testing of the course. Remaining cock ups ours!

Love your thoughts and feedback either in the community forum of the course, the Course Evolution section or by email to hilary@societyinside.com. Do tell us how we could improve it in the next iteration and follow on courses you want to see about trust!



What Behaviours are Associated with Trust and Distrust


Covid escape from Wuhan lab theory - 7 signals are all there.