See our new website for all this content and more!
This website won’t be updated now and all the content has been moved to www.societyinside.com - come over and take a look!

My 15 letters in the FT!
Here are my letters to the FT! They are on a variety of subjects, from responsibility of shareholders, to AI, gene editing and neurotech, to capitalism and Post Office scandal and the fetishising of tech. All published and unpublished are here.

Our new Addiction Economy project is now live!
A new long term project beginning which explores the political and economic values, decision-making and corporate strategies which have made addicting one’s customers an acceptable mainstream business model - and what can be done about it.

New project to change the UK government approach to vaping
The government only sees vaping in relation to stopping smoking, we aim to change that debate with our new project Action on Recreational Vaping. We now see that vapes should be treated like cigarettes. Check out all our work on this on Recreationalvaping.org

From Another Angle - Podcast series with Carnegie Council NYC
My podcast series From Another Angle - explores familiar ideas, such as democracy, capitalism, regulation and human nature and bring them to you ‘from another angle’!

Framework for Meaningful Stakeholder Engagement in Regulation - consultation
The Framework for Meaningful Engagement has been developed for regulators and those involved with governance design.
We are seeking to co-create a final approach with regulators and stakeholders. Please get in touch if interested to know more.

Practical Framework for Meaningful Stakeholder Engagement in AI development
Exciting multi-stakeholder project and report in partnership with the wonderful folks at the European Centre for Not-for-profit- Law exploring a practical Framework for Meaningful Involvement of stakeholders in the development of products and services using AI. Looking for feedback and pilots!

Here’s how little we trust our government… and the implications for us all
I was inspired to write this on the Apolitical blog, by finding that UK trust in its politicians is among the lowest in the world and seeing the potential implications for the economy from a new Inter-American Bank report.

Lots of new articles on Medium
Check out lots of new articles on Understanding and Measuring Trust, thoughts about Bullsh*t, Responsible Innovation and more…

Bullshit prevention - the workshop!
Explore how bullsh*t language is affecting your organisation and what to do about it. Having fun with new workshop designs and getting rave reviews from participants and conveners!

People are not the problem & deterrence is not the key …
I was astonished at how the ideology that ‘deterrence and sanctions’ are the only thing that worked to change behaviour. Totally wrong, it’s the thing which makes it worse!

Why bullsh*t language is so difficult to give up
Next in the series for Apolitical exploring why buzzwords are so temping and how to wean ourselves off them
Events and public speaking
Trust Thought For Today
Check out Hilary’s daily post on LinkedIn featuring a brief observation, idea or article featuring trust, distrust and the 7 Signals in practice.
Or browse below for the archive of posts from 22nd Feb 2021 each working day - minus holidays!
Inspired by Seth Godin’s famous thoughtful daily email.

About TIGTech
The project team, supporters and contact details