What will Happen to Trust and Society with Deep Fakes?


Trust thought for today - what will happen to trust and society with deep fakes? Stimulated by Laurent Bontoux.

Just for fun, let me take a punt. Only because I am an optimist by nature, my hunch is this will not be an existential threat, but is yet another concerning confusing issue. It will give rise to innovation as we see here in prevention & tech solutions, also the rise of organisations like we have already for other misinformation, myth busting websites, and online scam websites etc etc. Platforms will have to get more savvy, and most important regulation around manipulation will have to be enforced and bite hard.

Citizens will become both polarised and lethargic. Trusted sources like main stream media will become more trusted, and more important. But I think also we need to start to trust the majority of people more. We don't trust online stuff much in the first place already, we will be savvy, we will take it with a pinch of salt and click on something we trust just to check if it is true or not. There may be damage to reputations as with media misreporting already.

But I'm in a good mood, so another day or reading another article, I may think differently!

Read the full article here: https://euobserver.com/opinion/151935


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