‘Trust Creep’ and Trust Tipping Points

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Trust thought for today is about what I have decided to call 'Trust Creep' and trust tipping points!

Cash for Curtains (I was sure it was going to be CarpetGate!) for those not following the low level sleaze of our Prime Minister describes his idea of getting some company to pay for the interior design of his Downing Street flat cos the £30k he was allocated of tax payers money is not enough.

My Trust Creep pondering is a challenge to this idea that trust always drops off a cliff out of the blue, which is clearly not true.
It probably sometimes does, but mainly I have been arguing loss of trust can be seen coming if you are looking in the right places and so there may be a Trust Creep, perhaps. Ie, lots of little acts of untrustworthiness adding up to a tipping point or a last straw or trust even for supporters. Like all last straws it can be nothing big, but just one step too far, when one things NO, I've had enough!

Boris was empirically untrustworthy for some time, as many have argued, but wondering if this is the moment when even his supporters will just have had enough. Who knows!

Read the full article here": https://www.theguardian.com/news/audio/2021/apr/29/cash-for-curtains-how-damaging-are-allegations-involving-boris-johnson-podcast


The Grave Importance in our Ability to have Trust in Governance


Misplaced Trust