The Specifics of Why We Trust and Distrust
Trust thought for today - what are the specifics of why we trust and distrust?
On Sunday I decided to map all the trust decisions I make this week and relate them to the trust concepts in my report. This is much much harder than it sounds! I will write it up and post I hope sometime next week.
Do you have any reflections on individual trust judgements you have made and what psychological and practical issues lead to them? I am rather perturbed so far how much sheer lethargy plays a part!!!
This idea was stimulated by the contributions of the kind testers of Mathew Mytka and my new online micro-course and toolkit - which I have now been urged to call Trust In Practice! The reflections in the online Community for the course and in emails shows how important trust is in so many areas I hadn't even thought of and particularly how distrust is the basis for entire massive industry sectors. More to come on that in future.
If you would like to consider the impacts of trust and distrust in your own context check out the course and join the conversation here: