The Leading Cause of Distrust in Institutions

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Trust thought for today following on my letter in FT this morning - a key finding from our report, how the leading cause of distrust in institutions is the belief that the making of money is or will be prioritised over people and planet. Here is evidence in spades that this is a reasonable concern.

The great UK magazine Private Eye produced this report on the Post Office scandal. I was gasping outloud with incredulity over my lunch at brutal, criminal treatment of the Postmasters and Mistresses by the company & their lawyers at every point.

The trust/belief/insistence in the effectiveness of the IT system in combination with a relentless need to make money by the Post Office and Fujitsu was the toxic cocktail. But this is not anything psychological or excusable like wilful blindness, just pure self-interest, arse-covering, corruption and moral bankruptcy.

As always, there is the usual determined whistleblower & campaigner Alan Bates without whom this may not have come to justice. Take the CBE of the corrupt CEO (an Anglican Priest) & give it to him.

Another great national institution brought down by privatisation & a focus on making money instead of public service. Careful NHS, BBC and others...

FT letter here & visual in previous post.

Read the full article here:


Misplaced Trust


The Importance of Integrity to Trust