The Importance of Responsiveness


Trust thought for today - Just a personal rant on the importance of responsivness!

I was forced to migrate last year to Microsoft (Resigned trust to start with) and need a very simple password issue fixed. Email/PPT only accessible on my phone. Yes user error involved, but not the entire story!

17 days on to their triage in India to try to get a solution. I have been promised an engineer call within 24 hours probably 10 times. No call.

Responsiveness is a key component of Competence and Evidence of Trustworthiness important to help underpin trust. They have delivered neither. I have transferred to Google docs and when it is fixed I am moving email too just to make myself feel I have some sort of agency here and stick it to them in my own small way!


Trust isn’t always rewarded


How trustworthy are you? - Using the 7 Signals of Trustworthiness