The Current State of Trust in the World

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Trust thought for the day is a reminder about the rhetoric and reality about the current state of trust in the world. Fascinated to re-visit today the Ipsos Mori 2019 global analysis of trust.

They decided to see if there really is 'a crisis of trust and rise of prejudice around the world' That deference is dead and 'everywhere the elites and mainstream media are challenged by an angry populace.' Guess what there wasn't.

"That is not to say that there is not a problem – there is – but it is not new, nor is trust in terminal decline....The obsession with trust, the hand-wringing at Davos and elsewhere, reflects a trend we call the ‘Crisis of the Elites’. Unlike a crisis in trust, it is fair to say that elites do feel under more scrutiny than ever. They are attacked by populists all over the world – even when the populist politicians are often from the elite themselves.

...We find that a much more nuanced conversation has to be had – less about trust per se, and more about what organisations and individuals need to do to be ‘trustworthy’ in a particular context. There is a lot of painstaking work to be done, but trust can be rebuilt.

This is the starting point of my work on Trust and Tech Governance.


Trust and the NHS


How Trusting (or Distrusting) Colours your Subsequent Interpretations