Shocker about Police accountability, corruption, misogyny
Trust thought for today - accountability as a driver of trust and evidence of trustworthiness. In my trust work I didn't put accountability as a driver of trust in its own right, but subsumed it under integrity, perhaps I should have.
Lots of interesting thinking on trust in response to calls to reform the police - as this article says "Police accountability is crucial to trust and confidence in the police. Quite what form that accountability should take, though, is a matter of debate." Interesting challenge below in The Conversation to current plans to giving greater autonomy to the police professional standards depts which respond to complaints and are the first line response to 'police the police'.
I was also really shocked by this BBC documentary on the corruption and arse covering in the professional standards depts, particularly in relation to misogyny and sexism, including examples of those being complained about for serious abuse being actually promoted to the professional standards dept!
Interesting article also on 'regaining legitimacy' in the US and learning about culture from a success story in New Zealand - "fairness and transparency, and a willingness to work with – rather than against – communities will go a long way in restoring legitimacy across all sections of the population". Interesting to consider the differences between legitimacy and trust.
Also quite satisfying to see all of my 7 qualities of trustworthiness in this debate - Public good intent, competence, integrity, fairness, openness, inclusion, respect.
Further to our interactions on this Ruth Steinholtz you might like these.