Lack of integrity of current government is dangerous & erodes trust

Trust thought for the day - easy today. Integrity, which I have been thinking recently may be THE leading cause of serious distrust and earner of trust.

Financial Times: A shameful day for British Politics

Johnson is not the loveable buffoon he likes to portray, he is a dangerous and corrupt person undermining the trustworthiness and trust in the UK with far-reaching repercussions. We have to wise up here to the damage this lack of trustworthiness and corresponding loss of trust will cause with citizens and devastation of our reputation with other countries.

Here scathing commentary from Robert Shrimsley in the FT

"...the decision by Boris Johnson to use his parliamentary majority to disregard an independent report into serious misconduct by one of his MPs and, worse still, to overturn the system, is deeply troubling.

One might say it was shocking but it corresponds to a pattern of behaviour in which Johnson’s government acts to curb the powers of any independent body which troubles it, be it the Electoral Commission, the Supreme Court or the BBC.

By his actions Johnson has shown contempt for the system and swept away another check on the power of the government and its friends. It is a shameful and damaging day for British politics.

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