How much is trust a function of perceived & actual trustworthiness?

Trust thought for today - how much is trust a result of perceived and actual trustworthiness? Nice pic.

Perhaps being unduly nitpicky, but an article on Trust and Covid here, with a sensible definition: 'the confidence that things that other people do and say reflect their genuine beliefs and intentions. And so, whether that’s scientific evidence coming from scientists or statements from government about policy, or justifications by local authorities about their bin collections, or if it’s just a person you know who is telling you something, it’s the belief that they’re being honest and their intentions are as they seem."

But then goes on to make the argument in the rest of the interview, that distrust is mainly a result of problems of communication about covid, and failing to make the link between people's attitudes to trust and the perceived trustworthiness of those seeking it which relate to much more than comms.


Toyota is firing robots!


Violation tracker - enforcement & shaming excellent for trust!