Blind Trust and Blind Distrust


Trust thought for the day - wrestling with the 'My Trusting Week' project I set myself - in which I explore all the trust decisions I made between last Sunday and tomorrow and relate them to the trust concepts and signals. Just for fun, to see what comes up.

This is SO not as easy as it sounds, and for sure won't be ready next week as I hoped.

Lots of interesting learning. Including this. After masses of internal conflict and debate I had decided not to include blind trust and distrust. (Was it just because it didn't fit by pretty symmetrical trust spectrum diagram? Aaah. Maybe.) Anyway, I may have to rethink.

Also, had a great conversation with Mark Miller about trust and verification. Is Trust But Verify just a form of Active Distrust or even Active Trust - or just a thing on its own? We will be debating the practicalities of this in our forthcoming thoughts on Trust and Supply Chains. Fascinating.

Anyway, the most fun I had all week was creating these little emojis to match our Trust Spectrum style created by Aine Cassidy! I wish I was a graphic designer.


The Importance of Trustworthiness


The Similarities Between Trust and Happiness