Blind Trust


Trust thought for today - wilful blindness and explanations for blind trust.

Still perplexed about how so many decent people could have colluded in the Post Office to wrongfully persecute & prosecute over 700 postmasters for fraud, when it seems so obvious the computer was wrong not them. So re-read Margaret Heffernan Wilful Blindness at weekend. Great book.

The seemingly blind trust in the computer system wasn't about the computer system at all, not after the initial assumptions of vested interested experts were left unchallenged. Incredible levels of mental self-preservation needed to participate in such an injustice. People can be too obedient, too afraid, too focused on money, needing to fit in, not rock the boat & maintain the status quo that they persuade themselves, often unconsciously, not even to see what's going on under their noses. Even to willingly collude in the terrible deeds, whilst all the time assuring themselves they are doing the right thing. Quite astonishing.

Another layer of psychology underpinning trust in its many forms, which I overlooked in my trust work for some reason. Blind trust is blind for lots of different reasons. Lots to ponder.


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