A Question for You!

7 signals.jpeg

Trust thought for today is a question for you!

When reflecting on a real world trust situation for my toolkit I put 'doing what you say you will do' as a matter of competence. But in a really enjoyable conversation with Ruth Steinholtz she felt that was a matter of Integrity.

I can totally see that could be right. But in relation to governance I had chosen to use integrity as the umbrella for issues of honesty, and other issues such as accountability, impartiality etc. In that context lack of integrity feels too harsh for just being crap and not delivering properly, but then again it's not against expectation, it's against stated commitments, so perhaps it is? (And yes, I think I was bundling too many things together to distil 12 signals into the obligatory 7! )

Any views? Competence, Integrity, something else?

If interested - See my descent from Passionate Trust to Active Distrust and why in Lesson 4 - How is trust lost and can it be regained! https://lnkd.in/gvpPptT


Acting in a Trustworthy Way Despite Lack of Trust


How Does Trust in Governance Institutions Affect Trust Elsewhere