Anti-vax explored & the trust dynamic
Trust thought for today - this really excellent article supports what I called 'The Trust Dynamic' in my report. (page 60 or my trust report)
People trust and distrust for lots and lots of different reasons, because everyone is different and their decision to trust and distrust reflects that. (I propose Genetics, body chemistry, hormones, heuristics & biases, upbringing, experiences, culture, context and norms, world view, politics, what our friends, media and influences think and more.). And also it is two-way. Very important.
"It shows that a trust judgement is messy, not simple to unpick the cause and effect. But it also highlighted how trust is a two-way street. The traits, experiences, context and world view of those seeking trust are just as influential as the perceptions of those potentially giving it."
I conclude in my recent talks, that the only thing to do is start with empathy and respect and take seriously what Daniel Kahneman says as your starting point: "Don't try to persuade, understand the source of resistance and address that". Very much what Rhea Boyd here is advocating.
If you treat anti-vaxxers as evil, rather than seeking to understand and address the psychological, and sociological reasons why they have come to these conclusions, you will be making them more certain they are right.
Great Dr Raj Thamotheram thanks so much for sharing.